Thursday, April 12, 2012

Restrictions on taking food on plane?

As Delta is not able to provide me with a gluten free meal (medically prescrived diet) I have to take all my own food for an 8 hour flight overseas. Does anyone know if this will cause a problem at security in the Atlanta airport? I will have a lunch sack in my carry-on bag with my diinner and breakfast in it.

Restrictions on taking food on plane?

I had a layover in Atlanta not too long ago with Delta airlines, and as far as I could tell you shouldn%26#39;t have any problems bringing along your own food. When going through security they might want to make sure that it is just food in your bag that you are carrying, but besides that I don%26#39;t think that they would have anyway of regulating what you can carry onto the plane once you are in the terminal as long as it fits the ';carry-on'; size requirements. Thus picking up something while you are in the terminal if they give you a hard time in security. Have you checked out Delta%26#39;s or Hartsfield Int.%26#39;s websites to see if they have any information on carry-on materials and what it allowed through security? It might be worth a check just in case!

Restrictions on taking food on plane?

Delta%26#39;s site offers no help but I didn%26#39;t think to check Harts. site. I can%26#39;t get something in the terminal to eat. Gluten free fare is hard to come by an any airport (no bread or even croutons on salads). Hence I%26#39;m taking all my own food. Thanks.

You are allowed to bring any food onto the flight except for alcohol. The only trouble you may experience would be in customs if you tried to take the food into another country. Also, if you are going somewhere that, on your retun trip, requires you to go through American customs in the foreign country (a lot of Caribbean countries do this) you probably will not be allowed to bring agricultural products onto the plane. For your departing flight, however, you should be fine. I frequently take snacks, coffee, sandwiches onto planes.

I should clarify - the alcohol restriction is just that you can%26#39;t bring alcohol on the plane to consume during your flight in lieu of purchasing it from the flight attendant. You can of course bring a limited amount back as souvenirs, etc.

You won%26#39;t have any problem at all. I took food onto the plane several times on oversees flights. As was pointed out, the problem would be taking it into your destination country.

Thanks everyone. I already know London will allow my %26#39;vacation food%26#39; as long as it%26#39;s in sealed packages and no fruits/veggies are allowed just like here in CA. I only have to take salad dressings, crackers and energy bars into London and that will be in checked baggage anyway. But now I know I won%26#39;t starve on the way over there and can eat my own dinner and breakfast that I%26#39;m taking.

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