Saturday, April 21, 2012

Is Georgia Acquarium crowded on late Friday afternoons?

Has anyone been to the Georgia Acquarium around 4 pm on a Friday afternoon recently? What are the crowds like? Can you get through it and see anything in an hour? Thanks.

Is Georgia Acquarium crowded on late Friday afternoons?

I have not been on a Friday afternoon, so I cannot answer your immediate question other than to say that there are a limited number of tickets sold, so if Friday afternoon is sold out, it would probably be just as crowded as on a Saturday or Sunday, except that there%26#39;s the possibility that people would not linger as long.

Please note, though, that you are not required to stay only an hour - that%26#39;s just your arrival window. You can stay as long as you want. The crowds may slow you up some, but when I%26#39;ve been alone and worked at my own pace, even on crowded sold-out weekends, it took me about 2 hours. I did sit a while to view the major attraction, the whale shark tank, and I watched the river otters a long time. If you choose to see the 4-D movie that would add time as well.

Is Georgia Acquarium crowded on late Friday afternoons?

I have read many reviews on trip advisor and many are negative. Many say they let way too many in and its too crowded. Also they say its set up strange and makes the overcrowding worse. Read the reviews.

Having been to the aquarium on more than one occasion (each time on a weekend), I can state first-hand that, yes, it is crowded, but it is manageable and worth it. The amazing experience by far outweighs the hassle of dealing with the crowds. Just recognize that it will take a litle patience and you may have to just move with the flow of the crowd and work your way to the front of the exhibits. I%26#39;m going back this weekend for my 4th visit, and I never even really liked aquariums before this. I approach the reviews with some skepticism as a dissatisfied person is far more likely to take time to write a review than a satisfied person whose focus has moved on to the next trip.

My recommendations are that you don%26#39;t go to the big attractions first (whale sharks, beluga whales) but visit a less crowded attraction right after the 4:00 hour and wait until about 4:30 to hit the big exhibits, when presumably the initial rush has thinned some. The tropical fish tank is stunning and the sea turtles are very entertaining (it seems like they%26#39;re interacting with the crowd)- perhaps you would want to hit them first. Also, I would suggest that if there%26#39;s a line for the moving walkway for the tunnel under the whale shark exhibit, you skip the line and just walk through on your own. That way you can make your own pace and avoid some of the crowd.

I hope this helps and I hope you have a good time. Also, if you run a search on the forums here, there are several discussions about the aaquarium you may find useful.

I went last friday. I wasted 22 dollars. Too crowded. Not very good. Leave the visit for a boring afternoon the next time you are in Atlanta. DDoes not worth a trip!

We only have about an hour and it doesn%26#39;t seem like enough with all that I am reading. I really appreciate all of the replies.

I have been three times since the Aquarium opened and found it to be wonderful. There were lots of people but it didn%26#39;t detract from the experience. It%26#39;s about time for another visit.

I don%26#39;t understand when people say the aquarium itself is not vey good. I understand about the crowds, but the aquarium itself is not good? I haven%26#39;t even been yet and I can tell there%26#39;s something wrong with that statement.

I%26#39;m with you Bluecuzco. It%26#39;s the largest aquarium in the world, a $250 million project, and most experts say it%26#39;s better than the Shedd. Other than this one, I%26#39;ve only been to the Chattanooga and Charleston aquariums and this blows them out of the water, so to speak. They%26#39;re not even in the same league. Maybe it%26#39;s a matter of expectations and experience.

I found the exhibits to be well-labeled in that if I wondered what an animal was I was able to find the answer. The signage isn%26#39;t obtrusive or garish, and sometimes you have to look closely for it, but I never found myself wonderign, ';what is that creature?'; I don%26#39;t think this is an appropriate place to put long narrative next to each exhibit - the lines would never move that way.

We don%26#39;t do crowds well so we were going to wait a year or so. However, we were invited to a special event on a sunday evening. In 2 hours we were able to see all of the exhibits. Watching the belugas entertain the visitors was so enjoyable. We%26#39;ve been to Chattanooga at least 6 times over the last few years and I have to believe that the competition is going to hurt Chattanooga. You can tell that there was a lot of time spent on the exact layout of all the exhibits. My kids (10 %26amp; 17) enjoy every bit of it as well. The penquins were funny to follow and the shrimp were really cool. Watching the jellyfish was really mesmerizing. Ed and Norton were so much fun to watch as well. We loved everything about the place. My friend checked out renting the ballroom for a private event and the prices start at $25,000. Not in my league but I%26#39;m extremely glad we went. The workers were extremely helpful and we parked in their attached covered parking lot. Expensive %26amp; crowded I can agree with but if anyone even tries to say it wasn%26#39;t unbelievably the best aquarium to date, they are totally wrong.

Very crowded. Would have been okay for us if we were a group of adults but we had two kids under 5 and it was difficult for them to see most exhibits. They were just way too short and too many folks that didn%26#39;t move over for children.

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