Thursday, April 19, 2012

Moving to Savannah and need advice from local experts on...

Hello, I will be moving to Savannah this summer and need some advice. I am looking to rent and would like to be close to the historic district as well as Memorial Hospital. I have heard different suggestions from people. What apartments/landlords/areas do you recommend?

Moving to Savannah and need advice from local experts on...

That is a very hard question to answer. You want to be near the Historic District but do you want the noise, people, crime and tourists that go with it? Don%26#39;t get me wrong I live near Forsyth park and I love it but it is the city, with all that comes with that.

To rent within the historic district is expensive, the Victorian district (where I live) is cheaper but a bit more of a walk to the river and Broughton street and a little more dangerous (though in 7 years I have never had any trouble). Is that really what you want? Or do you want to be in a big apartment complex with a pool and weight room that is not too far a drive from the historic district?

Help me out here and I will try to help you.

Moving to Savannah and need advice from local experts on...

The way the city is laid out, finding a place close to both Memorial and the HD will be hard to do. Not impossible, but chancey because of some of the old housing areas in between. Your best bet would be to rent south of the Hospital and use the Truman Parkway to zip into the Historic District whenever you wanted.

If you will be working at Memorial, check with them. I think that they used to have some rental property in the immediate neighborhood. They may still have some.

Thanks for the quick response. To be more specific, I would like to be close to the Historic District and not necessarily live w/in it. You mentioned that you live in the Victorian District and that it is close to the historic district but dangerous. Can you tell me more about it? Parking? Price range? Are there other districts that you would recommend based on safety and price? Also, I%26#39;m also open to big apartment complexes with all the amenities...any recommendations?

Again, you will not find any big apartment complexes in the Victorian or Historic areas.

Most apartments in these areas are in houses that have been split up into apartments or, in the Victorian area there are some newer duplexes and such. The big complexes are on the southside of town, which looks like any other McCity in America, or on the islands which can have nice views of the marsh and rivers and get you closer to the beach.

I did not, by the way say the Victorian District is dangerous, I don%26#39;t think it is, based on my experience as a thinking, mature adult who conducts himself as such.(That means I am not wandering around drunk in the wee hours of the morning) is not cheap in the Victorian area either, but it is less than the Historic area. Most parking is on the street, not too bad but watch the sweeping schedule. Some apts have off street spaces on the lane.

Check for the rents, find a map of Savannah and look for apartments that fall between Gaston and Anderson and the lower the address number the better, if you get into the 400 and 500 blocks you are getting very close to ';the projects';.

Start with that and we will try to help you further if you have a need.

Perhaps if you could tell us why you want to live near the Historic District, we could give you better information. Living in an area where getting to a super market or service station easily would be important to me. The HD doesn%26#39;t have ordinary shopping type places. Sure, the Historic District has a lot of great restaurants, night life, and fun places, but so does the Midtown and Southside. In fact, so much of the Historic District offerings is designed to cater to the tourist.

Savannah has a lot more to offer someone than just that Historic District with all the flocks of tourists.

Just for a balance on Aileen%26#39;s viewpoint; I would not live in Savannah if I could not live downtown. In my mind the southside is like any other mall laden, fast food, McCity, except for the broiling heat and the swarms of sand gnats.

Downtown Savannah is the most beautiful city I have ever seen. We have walked through and around it several times a week for over seven years and I still find it beautiful and interesting and exciting.

I know not everyone feels the same way but I would not live anywhere else.

By the way there is a full size, full service Kroger two blocks from my house and there are 4 gas stations in, or across the street from, the Historic district.

I owe Brian an apology. So help me, I never knew there was a Krogers in the downtown area. He%26#39;s right though, some of us couldn%26#39;t be pried away from our rivers and marshes. It%26#39;s something that is bred into the blood I think.

There is an area within a five minute drive of Memorial that has just been designated as part of the National Historic;s called Parkside and is just adjacent to Daffin Park, a great (big!)midtown park that includes a great, historically significant baseball stadium. (Savannah Sand Gnats!) I live in this area and can drive to the historic district in a slick ten minutes, or less. There are no apartment complexes in Parkside, but many of the homes have carriage house apartments. Some of the homes are available for rent. This not a fancy neighborhood, but a good one. Convenient to everything, central, safe and close to that super park. Worth thinking about.

I was going to suggest the Ardsley Park/Midtown area. (South of Victory Dr. and North of Derenne). Pull up a map. This is very near the previously mentioned Daffin Park. Many times you can find people who will rent out their very beautiful houses. I used to rent the bottom half of a house on Washington Ave (very famous for its springtime azalea display). It was great and the price was good. Maybe you should just find somewhere to be for about 6 months until you can get a feel for the area. That way, you can narrow down a little more easily what is appealing to you after you have been in it a while. That has always worked best for me. You won%26#39;t be too terribly far from the HD in this area. It will still be a drive, but it%26#39;s really not too difficult getting around Savannah. It%26#39;s not that big.

Thank you so much for all your helpful suggestions. I visited Savannah this past weekend to look at apartments, and I really like the Whitemarsh and Wilmington Islands. I will be going back again to look around some more and will definitely check out Parkside. A couple of the Whitemarsh apartments are turning into condos. Do you know a website where condos for rent would be listed? I have checked several sites including,, and Thanks again for your help.

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