Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tour de Georgia

anyone going to see the bike race in April??

Tour de Georgia

If I wasn%26#39;t working that friday I could set on the porch as they come by...but....I%26#39;m guessing I%26#39;ll be working while they peddle by on stage 4.

Tour de Georgia

any good advice about were to sstay in the area fot stage 4 or were to eat

also since you will be at work any good places to watch the race other then your porch


Honestly....other than the chamber of commerce at the start and finish of stage 4.....I really doubt many of the locals will even care. Well....they will be annoyed when it messes with them traveling the same roads as the cyclists. Kinda reminds me when the Olmpic Torch for the Atlanta Games followed the same route%26lt;except in reverse%26gt; by my house. Coca Cola came sent reps out day inadvance and put a banner out front telling what time the torch would pass people could gather there and see it. No one fact none of the other homes in the area even had people come outside to watch it go by. I%26#39;ve still got the banner put up somewhere....

If you%26#39;re looking for a general area.....Dalton GA%26lt;start of stage 4%26gt; isn%26#39;t bad. You could stay there and travel to Chattanooga TN for the section they are doing up there and then come back for the start of stage 4 in Dalton. Dalton has spent lots of money to improve the look of downtown dalton....too bad it cut down on parking to the point it%26#39;s caused many businesses to leave the downtown area. New businesses have replaced some of the old....too bad few make enough profit to survive longterm. Lots and lots of money was spent to make downtown Dalton into something different....not a Helen GA but some sort of mall town America. Too bad that wasn%26#39;t really what Dalton was about....more the dream of the folks running the Downtown Delv. Authority. Always fun to spend other people%26#39;s money on something you want....

I thought of your message as I was driving along the race course today. As I was traveling along 52 there was a county deputy that has a cyclist pulled to the side of the road and was looking at his ID as I drove by. Maybe he was checking him to see if he was nuts to be risking his life on that section of road where 80,000lb trucks are running 50-60 mph down 2 lane roads with minimal shoulders and no sidewalks.

No real idea of why he was checking out the cyclist.....but he managed to pick out the only cyclists among 1000%26#39;s of cars/trucks on the road today.

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