Sunday, April 15, 2012

Will we be safe in Savannah??

I have been very excited about our upcoming anniversary trip to Savannah until I stumbled upon some postings on a website about how dangerous Savannah is for tourists...robberies, rape, murders...eek. Please tell me where we should and shouldn%26#39;t go to make sure we have a good time and make it home alive!

We are staying at the Azalea Inn by Forsyth Park...can we walk to the riverfront? Or do we need to take a cab at night?

Will we be safe in Savannah??

We have crime, maybe a little more than our share but I will tell you that I live across Forsyth Park from your Inn. My wife and I walk downtown and back all the time, we walk home in the dark maybe 10-11pm at least once a month and have done so for almost eight years and we have never been the victims of any crime.

Since some recent (December) high profile murders, the police are more obviously present than ever before. If you are stumbling home at 3am, drunk, you might be asking for trouble, otherwise I would be aware, look confident and feel quite safe.

If you are concerned, put pedi-cab%26#39;s number in your phone and get a quick, fun ride home.

Will we be safe in Savannah??

That%26#39;s like asking if you will be safe in Chicago, or Miami, or New York City. It will depend on where you plan to visit. Going down into the ghetto and slum areas is never a good idea even in daylight. Nor is trying to find a liquor store open at midnight. Most of our ';crime'; is not directed to the tourist, but to the residents of areas close to what is known as bad section of the city. Drug deals gone bad. Drunken brawls amoung friends and relatives. And the teenager trying to prove he%26#39;s a big man.

Be sensible. Don%26#39;t flash wads of cash. Don%26#39;t leave cameras and other valubles out in plain sight in your car. And if you see a bunch of scruffy looking hoodlum types standing around....don%26#39;t stop them and ask them questions. In other words, remember that there are bad people everywhere. It never hurts to be sensible about yourself and your surroundings, no matter where you are.

You will be about one mile from the river. Brian and his wife walk it regularly. I%26#39;m one of those lazy people that would rather ride after dark. During the day, with plenty of time, it makes for a very nice stroll.

Thank you for your responses. I feel much better about our visit now. I will keep all of your suggestions in mind. What is a pedi-cab?

A pedi-cab is like a rickshaw except the person pulling you is on a bike not on foot. Just got back from Savannah and never felt threatened or uncomfortable anywhere in the historic district. If walking back at night, confine your walk to the center of the district (Bull Street) where there is more activity. Like all cities, just be aware of your surroundings.

Crime and fear of it is a factor in every country or place you visit . Use common sense , I was born and raised in the rough part of London so am street wise . All the trips over to America not once have I come across any kind of trouble or even a hint of it .

If you stay on well lite main roads with plenty of people near by you will be fine . Dont act like a tourist ie : LOST , dont flash your cash , dont let fear ruin your vacation enjoy it just be aware .

Or another option, a bit unconventional yet inarguably effective:

There is a tour guide who dresses in period costume. Displayed prominently on his hip is a Confederate cavalry saber. My wife asked him at a pub if he ever had any crime issues, and he just shook his head (indicating negative) and patted his sword, smiling.

I%26#39;m a professional bellydancer and frequently dance with a sword. I get asked the same question and can tell you it is a great deterrent! Maybe a few lessons before your trip are in order. It%26#39;s great exercise too!

Seriously, have a great trip and enjoy lovely Savannah. We spent a week there two summers ago and never felt unsafe night or day. Just use common sense like you would in any city.

If I dressed in a Union cavalry uniform and sabre_____Would that increase the risk___sword or no sword ?

Just joking.

Oskar, a Union soldier%26#39;s risk of danger in Savannah is directly tied to the amount of cash he plans to spend in our local economy! Swords won%26#39;t help - American Express will.

  • zits
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