Wednesday, March 28, 2012

april 24th graduation date ft. benning georgia

It is 3-11-09. Rumor has it that Family Day is april 11th but grad date won%26#39;t be until april 24th. That%26#39;s too far apart from each other for a family that has to pay for a trip to travel twice. Rumor is probably just that but would you please confirm that Family Day and Grad Day are only one day after the other? Thank you. Also, won%26#39;t they give enough notice, not by rumor but somehow by mail? Families that don%26#39;t get enough notice end up paying a lot more for travel time. Don%26#39;t forget, it is Easter in April and many families travel with their children because they are off from school during Easter vacation. Is there any offer for families to get discounted travel? Anything you can do to answer would be greatly appreciated. If our family members choose to serve, that is patriotic and respectful but the military should give respect back to the family and solider by organizing efficiently and respectfully as well. Thanks again!

april 24th graduation date ft. benning georgia

You can type some of your key words in the search box above your question and read previous posts. As far as booking your hotel, remember that just because there is a graduation scheduled on a certain day, doesnt necessarily mean your family member will graduate that day. If they are injured during basic training, become ill, or fail any of the requirements, there is a chance that they will graduate at a future date, so dont book accomodations through a non-cancellable service (like priceline). You should contact the base to get the scheduled date.


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